Emie, Well crap, I’m late with your birthday letter. Again. It’s your fault really, for being born in the middle of hurricane season and the start of school. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it and what a rough pregnancy you were, YOU should be writing ME birthday letters. Get on that will you? So...
So sweet, I may have teared up a little. I LOVE the pictures of the piercing – you can tell your brave little cherub that I am almost 30 and have yet to get my ears pierced because I am a big fraidy cat. How on earth do you spell fraidy? Anywho, congratulations on surviving 7 years of girl!!!
She sounds like a great girl. And good grief…she is a beauty. So, by the way, is that cake! Super jealous that you get to make cute girl cakes like that (or at least order then from Janell.