Funk Watch ’07 is officially over. Em is on the mend and is almost done with all medications. The final, official diagnosis? Damn if I know, but the best guess is a secondary viral infection to a recent case of strep throat and an allergic reaction to um, well, um, something. We never did figure out what.
Yea, I feel all better now.
Thank goodness the Little Miss’s dad was there to step in and treat her, even if he didn’t get nearly upset enough, about the fact that MY DAUGHTER WAS DYING! Okay, so maybe she wasn’t dying, but he still shouldn’t have been so damn calm. (Thanks Willydo.) I can only imagine what would have happened if he wasn’t there, what with the swelling and turning of funny colors.
So this concludes this year’s funk disease, the Em edition.
Thanks for playing along.
Edited to Add: I guess it’s not over. Click Here and Here and Here for the funk in all it’s many forms and glory.
and all along I thought she was just chubby–good to know the swelling has gone down. sorry I had to threaten her with a shot in the butt, at least I got her to take her medicine though, right?!
btw, you were BOTH right about the curtain rod. Forward or backward–it’s in the exact same spot! ; )